Friday, July 6, 2012

Week 2 - Personal Research Journey

            Hey everyone! So, I am now in the 2nd week of my new course – Building Research Competencies. Everyone taking this course will be conducting a research simulation. I have never conducted a research study before, nor have I ever been a participant in one. I am nervous but excited to conduct this simulation. A lot of valuable information can be learned through research studies. In the week and a half that I have been in this course, I have learned new vocabulary and techniques involving research. However, I am glad that I will not be alone on this research journey. I am looking forward to learning from my new professor and my colleagues during this simulation and throughout this course.
            My chosen topic for the simulation is play. If you have been following my blogs throughout my journey through grad school, you should have seen a few blogs written on play. I love play! I think that everyone, no matter their age, needs to have time throughout their day just to play. Little children learn a vast amount of information and skills through play. They acquire social skills, language skills, and problem solving skills, just to name a few. After reading through our text on early childhood research, I have realized that my topic of play may be a bit too broad (Mac Naughton, Rolfe, & Siraj-Blatchford, 2010). However, I am still very interested on what can also be learned about education and play.
            The simulation process thus far has been slightly overwhelming and frustrating. Picking a topic was easy, but narrowing my topic was difficult. I tried doing research to see what has already been done and the information (or on some sites, lack of) has been overwhelming and frustrating. I also do not know how I am going to conduct a study during the summer because I do not have access to group of children. This simulation will definitely be challenging.
            If anyone has any advice, please share. If you are interested in learning about a certain subject and play, please share. As I stated earlier, I am looking forward to gleaning any information I can from my colleagues throughout this course. It is also my hope that I will be able to share information with you and provide you with assistance when possible.

Mac Naughton, G., Rolfe, S.A., & Siraj-Blatchford, I. (2010). Doing early childhood research: International perspectives on theory and practice (2nd ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.


  1. Ryan, I am so glad you chose the topic of play. There is a lot of information available on play so it is going to take a lot of time to go through and decide how to narrow that down but I believe you can do it. I can tell you are excited about the topic and that is an important aspect of research. Good luck! I don't know if I can be of any help but I am a firm believer in child initiated play so if there is anything you may need during this class, please feel free to ask!

  2. Hi Ryan,
    I want you to know that you are definitely not alone in this course. I am with you every step of the way learning as I go. This week has been interesting. There are terms that I have learned as well. It is such a great idea that we have to construct the chart in our own words. I am learning more that way because I am actually stopping to ensure that I understand what the authors are trying to explain.

    Play is a great topic to research. Explaining why play is essential in the early years is very important considering how policy makers are trying to eliminate play and focus more on academic getting our children globally ready for academic competitions. They need to know and understand that play is an essential element.

    I read a few articles in my previous class in regards to play and it importance. I am more than willing to share that information with you. Just email me and let me know. I hope that I am able to help you because if I need you I will definitely send you an email. We are here to help each other every step of the way.

    Good luck with your research.

  3. I think just about everyone in this course is experiencing something new. I am too excited and but yet very nervous. I have never ever did research in my life nor participanted in it. I too have learned a lot in this past two weeks. I think play is a great topic to research especially to get the point across for upper elementary teachers. I work in a Head Start program and Pre-K and just about all of learning is through play. I love it to death cause you can be so creattive`for the children and they love it too. You creating a lesson they love, they are going to remember it, creating lifelong memories. Great post!!!!

  4. I thought it was just me but this is my first time taking a research class and I am excited about it. This class is giving me the opportunity to explore a topic that interested me. Good Luck!
