Saturday, July 14, 2012

My Dream Study

If I had the means and the knowledge to conduct a full research study I would focus on lupus and young children. As an adult with lupus, I know the symptoms and the seriousness of the illness. My research study would not only help children, it may help adults suffering from the disease as well.

 Lupus is a chronic, autoimmune disease that can damage any part of the body (skin, joints, and/or organs inside the body such as the kidneys, lungs, or heart). Although many different parts of the body can be affected, sometimes only one or two organs or organ systems will be involved. Lupus is the same disease in children as it is in adults.

This research study will benefit the children with lupus, the adults with lupus, and their families. Lupus is a very serious illness and this study could possibly lead to a cure, which is unavailable at this time. I know people are hard trying to find a cure for illness now; I would just like to give them a hand. Many do not know about lupus. The more people know, hopefully the more they would want to help the cause.

For more information, you can check out


  1. I hope your dream study becomes a reality and cures this disease for you, and for all others with Lupus.

  2. Hi Ryan,

    You are awesome. I love knowing that there are people in the world that care about others more than they do for themselves. I guess i should call it not being selfish. I too hope that your deem becomes a reality. If there is anything that I can do (besides educate myself and others and finds ways to help) please let me know.

    I prey that there is a fire for lupus and all other illnesses very soon!

  3. That would be awesome to find a cure for that disease. I am sure many families and children would be even happier to know that there is a cure for Lupus.
