Thursday, November 1, 2012

A Competent Communicator

            When I think of someone who demonstrates competent communication, the first person that comes to mind is my 81-year-old Auntie. Auntie always knows what to say, when to say, and how to say just about anything. Even when she gets upset (which is rare) she is able to express herself calmly while still making her frustration known. She is a retired Lieutenant Colonel from the United States Air Force and is in outstanding health.

            When talking with her, she actively listens and just does not wait to jump in and have her turn to speak. Auntie keeps eye contact with you the entire time. She actually makes you a better communicator when talking with her because she means business. She weighs the pros and cons of each situation and then communicates based on all of the facts. At 81, you can only imagine how much wisdom she has and she is always open to giving advice.

            I would definitely want to model her communication behaviors in every aspect of my life. She is knowledgeable about many things and uses this knowledge combined with experience to effectively communicate with anyone. She remains calm and professional when handling household matters and any other important matters. I respect her and look up to her dearly. I hope that I will continue to learn from her.


  1. What a wonderful inspiration and role model! Sounds like the kind of lady from whom we could all take a lesson or two.
    I get it when you say that she makes you a better communicator since these kinds of skills seem to engage you in conversations unlike any other.
    Thanks for introducing us to your auntie.

  2. First, I'd have to say "WOW"! Your auntie looks great!
    Secondly, you are blessed to have her in your life. It is good to have relative that are positive roles models. It gives you the momentum to carry on or know that you can be just as good.

    Remaining cal during conversation is vital to a healthy life for sure.
    I have to agree with Laura. We all can take a few lessons from her.

    Thanks for sharing.

  3. Hi Ryan,
    What a great mentor your Auntie must be. I can only imagine the many diverse people she had to work with and supervise. Being in the military and being a women she would have to communicate in a way that people would know she was serious and that she would not put up with any disrespect. She must be a very wise woman.

  4. Hello Ryan,

    Thank you for introducing your Auntie to us all. From your introduction she is a remarkable woman. She is a great inspiration and I am sure you have learned so much from her. Her quality of being an effective communicator is one that I am sure has allowed her great success and happiness.
    Beautiful picture by the way!

  5. Ryan,
    Your Auntie reminds me of my late grandmother. The ability to stay clam in a difficult conversation or situation is priceless. Thank you for sharing your aunt’s inspirational story on how she communicates. She looks wonderful, may God continue to bless Auntie!

  6. First, your Auntie looks great to be 81 years old. She is a good example of a good communicator. I think that comes with time and experiences. That is nothing but wisdom. Thanks a bunch for sharing post it has impacted my life.
