The assignment for this week was to post a few quotes. I love quotes. People say the most amazing things & they never really know the effect they may have on others. The few quotes I am going to share are all related to children. A few are from major contributors from the early childhood field and others are from current early childhood professionals who are passionate about what they do. These quotes all spoke to me, I hope they do the same for you.
"Children are like tiny flowers; they are varied and need care, but each is beautiful alone and glorious when seen in the community of peers." ~ Friedrich Froebel (the "father" of Kindergarten)
"The mind grows by self revelation. In play the child ascertains what he can do, discovers his possibilities of will and thought by exerting his power spontaneously. In work he follows a task prescribed for him by another, and doesn't reveal his own proclivities and inclinations; but another's. In play he reveals his own original power." ~ Friedrich Froebel (the "father" of Kindergarten)
"Part of being who you are has to do with feeling your feelings, which means you'll have a wide range of emotions -- not just constant sunshiny happiness." (Janet Gonzalez-Mena, Child, Family, & Community: Family-Centered Early Care & Education)
"I think my passion comes from wanting to make a difference. ... You know for me, that one little sparkly will make a difference for me throughout the whole day." ~ Raymond Hernandez MS Ed, Executive Director, School of Early Childhood Education, University of Southern California
"...I learned it's not all about you. You got to take your ego out of it and think about what's best for this child." ~ Renatta M. Cooper, Program Specialist, Office of Child Care, LA County Chief Administrative Office
Children need love. They need to be cared for. They need the time to play in order to discover the world for themselves.
I may not be able to help all of the children I come in contact with, but if I'm able to help one, I would be happy. It's not about me though. It's always about the children. They are the future. They are our future.
Several of your quotes use the expression "it's not about me". I think we all need to realize that and give children credit for who they are and how God designed them.
It's amazing that you noticed that. I thought that afterwards and smiled. The amazing part happened this morning. The sermon topic this morning was "It's Not About You." Confirmation at its best!