Friday, April 15, 2011


So, this class is winding down. We have one more week left. I have been thinking about what I am going to do with this blog. I know I stated in the beginning that I would post things that have been going on in my life that show my growth, but clearly, that hasn't been happening. Honestly, it just seems like I have so much going on when technically I don't. But with the school year winding down as well, I am going to do better with this blogging thing. I am honestly learning and growing daily. It is a wonderful thing. God has been truly GOOD to me (when I don't even deserve it), and I just have to share all the things He is doing and has done in my life. I am forever grateful and can't thank Him enough. Things aren't always sweet and easy but I know that everything happens for a reason. I believe that everything will work out for the good.

To end my rambling, I just want to share that I have completed a step towards my enrichment center. I have officially set up an LLC. Nurturing Enrichment Services, LLC is currently offering tutoring and mentoring services. I was so excited when all of the paperwork was filed and approved. It was a great, yet slightly overwhelming experience. I actually realized that becoming official was the easy part! The real challenge lies ahead but I'm ready. Wish me luck!

Be Blessed & Continue Being a Blessing...Peace

Examining the NAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct

The National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) provides the Code of Ethical Conduct to basically serve as a guideline for any individual who works within an early childhood setting or with young children. The code is broken into four sections:
1.      Ethical Responsibilities to Children
2.      Ethical Responsibilities to Families
3.      Ethical Responsibilities to Colleagues
4.      Ethical Responsibilities to Community and Society.
Each section has a set of ideals, which reflect the aspirations of practitioners, and a set of principles, which describes practices that are required, prohibited, or permitted.

For this week’s assignment, we were tasked with choosing three ideals that are meaningful to us. A lot of the ideals, especially those dealing with children, are meaningful to me. However, these are the three that stood out the most…

Section 1 – Responsibilities to Children
·         I-1.3To recognize and respect the unique qualities, abilities, and potential of each child.  – This ideal is important to me because every child is different. Just because a child doesn’t understand a concept as fast as everyone else, doesn’t mean that the child is not capable. That child is just on another level and is probably much better at something else. Every child has the potential to be something spectacular. If adults ignore that fact and treat children without respect by ignoring the positives, then they are setting the child up for failure. We should recognize all of the positive things that children do and help them see their potential. This helps build confidence so one day they will reach their potential and quite possibly go beyond what we thought they were capable of.

Section 2 – Responsibilities to Families
·         I-2.7To share information about each child’s education and development with families and to help them understand and appreciate the current knowledge base of the early childhood profession.  – It is important to keep families informed on their child’s progress. It is also important to let the families know what is being done in the classroom. Curriculums and teaching practices have evolved over the years, so parents need to be updated on the new strategies and techniques as well. By educating the parents they will have an understanding and respect for what and how we do our jobs. Families should also be kept informed about the current issues in the early childhood field. They have a voice as well and are able to advocate for their children just like us.

Section 3 – Responsibilities to Colleagues
·         I-3A.2To share resources with co-workers, collaborating to ensure that the best possible early childhood care and education program is provided.  – This ideal was meaningful because although I’m working with my colleague, it is all to essentially help the child. We are collaborating to develop programs and activities that are best for the children. That is why we are in this field. We are working to help children be successful in life.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Early Childhood Education Resources

Position Statements and Influential Practices
Global Support for Children’s Rights and Well-Being
Selected Early Childhood Organizations
Selected Professional Journals
  • YC Young Children
  • Childhood
  • Journal of Child & Family Studies
  • Child Study Journal
  • Multicultural Education
  • Early Childhood Education Journal
  • Journal of Early Childhood Research
  • International Journal of Early Childhood
  • Early Childhood Research Quarterly
  • Developmental Psychology
  • Social Studies
  • Maternal & Child Health Journal
  • International Journal of Early Years Education
Additional Resources
  • Preschool Rainbow  - Preschool education activities and early childhood education lesson plans that give preschool children choices.
  • - Information, products and ideas for parents & teachers.
  • Children Now - Children Now is a national organization for people who care about children and want to ensure that they are the top public policy priority.
  • CYFERnet - Children, Youth, and Families Education and Research Network

Another interesting quote...

I saw this quote while browsing through twitter...

"There are no seven wonders of the world in the eyes of a child. There are seven million." - Walt Streightiff
Just thought I'd share it...